"And when I say organizing, I mean organizing new people outside of our scenes to take action on issues affecting them NOT organizing countless events or marches every once and while that include the same insular radical scene." - Klas B.
Brilliant! an excellent tool in our struggle against the bosses and the exploitative nature of the capitalist profit system. Should be read by all workers in the trade union movement.
I went to the Style guide (excellent by and large) to find out how I can create breaks in text by use of asterisks which are not justified, or alternative means of emphasising a new chapter as it were. Any suggestions?
This is great information.
This is great information.
Wow! Wonderful!
Wow! Wonderful! :)
Great information, thank you!
Great information, thank you! I'm passing it on!
Excellent site! A ton of
Excellent site! A ton of very critical and helpful information. Thanks for making it available.
These are wonderful. One
These are wonderful. One should also be written regarding how to organize a university, or a faculty even.
"And when I say organizing, I
"And when I say organizing, I mean organizing new people outside of our scenes to take action on issues affecting them NOT organizing countless events or marches every once and while that include the same insular radical scene." - Klas B.
Actually I did not say that.
Actually I did not say that. It was a quote from a SeaSol organizer.
I've added PDF's, Organise on
I've added PDF's, Organise on this page is the Omnibus with separate PDF's for each specific guide.
Brilliant, thanks!
Brilliant, thanks!
What a concept! You guys are
What a concept! You guys are a bunch of geniuses! Uncle Karl would be proud!
Brilliant! an excellent tool
Brilliant! an excellent tool in our struggle against the bosses and the exploitative nature of the capitalist profit system. Should be read by all workers in the trade union movement.
Have been reading the
Have been reading the workplace organizing guide. Really good stuff. Major props to everyone who worked on it, libcom and the IWW.
This link is broken. An entire section of the organizing guide, missing! :O
boomerang wrote: Have been
fixed, thanks!
Great :)
Wow thankyou
Wow thankyou
I have libcom's Workplace
I have libcom's Workplace Organising guide in my pinned post on twitter. :)
Admins: How does one get…
Admins: How does one get Editing Rights? I wish to better format the following article:
westartfromhere wrote:…
Okay you should have it now
Thank you. Will do.
Thank you. Will do.
I went to the Style guide …
I went to the Style guide (excellent by and large) to find out how I can create breaks in text by use of asterisks which are not justified, or alternative means of emphasising a new chapter as it were. Any suggestions?
Can somebody please put me…
Can somebody please put me in contact with Samuel Lowry? He wrote this article; https://libcom.org/article/asturias-revolt-1934-sam-lowry
Please reach me at will14113@icloud.com